Pronunciation: (spēk), [key]
— v., spoke spake spo&sylken spoke speak&syling.
- to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice; talk: He was too ill to speak.
- to communicate vocally; mention: to speak to a person of various matters.
- to converse: She spoke with him for an hour.
- to deliver an address, discourse, etc.: to speak at a meeting.
- to make a statement in written or printed words.
- to communicate, signify, or disclose by any means; convey significance.
- to produce sounds or audible sequences of individual or concatenated sounds of a language, esp. through phonation, amplification, and resonance, and through any of a variety of articulatory processes.
- (of a computer) to express data or other information audibly by means of an audio response unit.
- to emit a sound, as a musical instrument; make a noise or report.
- (of dogs) to bark when ordered.
- (of a hound or pack) to bay on finding a scent.
- to utter vocally and articulately: to speak words of praise.
- to express or make known with the voice: to speak the truth.
- to declare in writing or printing, or by any means of communication.
- to make known, indicate, or reveal.
- to use, or be able to use, in oral utterance, as a language: to speak French.
- (of a computer) to express or make known (data, prompts, etc.) by means of an audio response unit.
- to communicate with (a passing vessel) at sea, as by voice or signal: We spoke a whaler on the fourth day at sea.
- to speak to or with.
- to use a manner of speaking; figuratively speaking: We still don't have our heads above water, so to speak.
- to say with great authority or precision: I can't speak by the book, but I know this is wrong.
- This item is already spoken for.
- to intercede for or recommend; speak in behalf of.
- to express or articulate the views of; represent.
- to choose or prefer; have reserved for oneself:This item is already spoken for.
- to express one's opinion openly and unreservedly: He was not afraid to speak out when it was something he believed in strongly.
- to be an indication or reflection of (something commendable); testify admirably to: Her manners speak well for her upbringing.
- worth mentioning: The country has no mineral resources to speak of.
- a combining form extracted fromused in the formation of compound words, usually derogatory, that denote the style or vocabulary of a discipline, person, era, etc., as specified by the initial element: adspeak; artspeak; futurespeak.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.