Pronunciation: (snip), [key]
— v., n. snipped, snip•ping,
- to cut with a small, quick stroke, or a succession of such strokes, with scissors or the like.
- to remove or cut off (something) by or as by cutting in this manner: to snip a rose.
- to cut with small, quick strokes.
- the act of snipping, as with scissors.
- a small cut made by snipping.
- a small piece snipped off.
- a small piece, bit, or amount of anything: a snip of food.
- a small or insignificant person.
- a presumptuous or impertinent person.
- small, strong hand shears used by sheet metal workers.
- a bargain.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.