Pronunciation: (shīn), [key]
— v., n. shone shined shin&syling
- to give forth or glow with light; shed or cast light.
- to be bright with reflected light; glisten; sparkle.
- (of light) to appear brightly or strongly, esp. uncomfortably so: Wear dark glasses so the sun won't shine in your eyes.
- to be or appear unusually animated or bright, as the eyes or face.
- to appear with brightness or clearness, as feelings.
- to excel or be conspicuous: to shine in school.
- to cause to shine.
- to direct the light of (a lamp, mirror, etc.): Shine the flashlight on the steps so I can see.
- to put a gloss or polish on; polish (as shoes, silverware, etc.).
- Men shine up to her like moths to a light.
- to attempt to impress (a person), esp. in order to gain benefits for oneself.
- to become especially attentive to (one of the opposite sex):Men shine up to her like moths to a light.
- radiance or brightness caused by emitted or reflected light.
- luster; polish.
- sunshine; fair weather.
- a polish or gloss given to shoes.
- an act or instance of polishing shoes.
- a foolish prank; caper.
- . a black person.
- Come rain or shine, he is always on the job.
- regardless of the weather.
- no matter what the circumstances may be:Come rain or shine, he is always on the job.Also,rain or shine.
- to take a liking or fancy to: That little girl has really taken a shine to you.
Pronunciation: (shīn), [key]
— n. Slang.
- moonshine.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.