Pronunciation: (rouz), [key]
— v., n. roused, rous•ing,
- to bring out of a state of sleep, unconsciousness, inactivity, fancied security, apathy, depression, etc.: He was roused to action by courageous words.
- to stir or incite to strong indignation or anger.
- to cause (game) to start from a covert or lair.
- to pull by main strength; haul.
- to come out of a state of sleep, unconsciousness, inactivity, apathy, depression, etc.
- to start up from a covert or lair, as game.
- a rousing.
- a signal for rousing; reveille.
Pronunciation: (rouz), [key]
— n.
- a carouse.
- a bumper of liquor.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.