quadruple: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (kwo-dr'pul, -drup'ul, kwod'roo-pul), [key]
— adj., n., v., -pled, -pling.
  1. fourfold; consisting of four parts: a quadruple alliance.
  2. four times as great.
  3. having four beats to a measure.
  1. a number, amount, etc., four times as great as another.
  2. something, as a series of acrobatic somersaults, made up of four clearly defined parts or stages: the first trapeze artist to perform a quadruple successfully.
—v.t., v.i.
  1. to make or become four times as great: To serve 24 people, quadruple the recipe. My savings quadrupled in 20 years.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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