please: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (plēz), [key]
— adv., v., pleased, pleas•ing.
  1. (used as a polite addition to requests, commands, etc.) if you would be so obliging; kindly: Please come here. Will you please turn the radio off?
  1. to act to the pleasure or satisfaction of: to please the public.
  2. to be the pleasure or will of: May it please your Majesty.
  1. to like, wish, or feel inclined: Go where you please.
  2. to give pleasure or satisfaction; be agreeable: manners that please.
  3. The missing letter was in his pocket, if you please!
    1. if it be your pleasure; if you like or prefer.
    2. (used as an exclamation expressing astonishment, indignation, etc.):The missing letter was in his pocket, if you please!
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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