patrol: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (pu-trōl'), [key]
— v., n. -trolled, -trol•ling,
  1. (of a police officer, soldier, etc.) to pass along a road, beat, etc., or around or through a specified area in order to maintain order and security.
  1. to maintain the order and security of (a road, beat, area, etc.) by passing along or through it.
  1. a person or group of persons assigned to patrol an area, road, etc.
  2. an automobile, ship, plane, squadron, fleet, etc., assigned to patrol an area.
  3. a detachment of two or more persons, often a squad or platoon, detailed for reconnaissance or combat.
  4. the act of patrolling.
  5. See
  6. (in the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts) a subdivision of a troop, usually consisting of about eight members.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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