Pronunciation: (nām), [key]
— n., v., adj. named, nam•ing,
- a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known.
- mere designation, as distinguished from fact: He was a king in name only.
- an appellation, title, or epithet, applied descriptively, in honor, abuse, etc.
- a reputation of a particular kind given by common opinion: to protect one's good name.
- a distinguished, famous, or great reputation; fame: to make a name for oneself.
- a widely known or famous person; celebrity: She's a name in show business.
- an unpleasant or derogatory appellation or expression: Don't call your brother names! Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
- a personal or family name as exercising influence or bringing distinction: With that name they can get a loan at any bank in town.
- a body of persons grouped under one name, as a family or clan.
- the verbal or other symbolic representation of a thing, event, property, relation, or concept.
- (cap.) a symbol or vehicle of divinity: to take the Name in vain; the power of the Name.
- She was always careful to address every employee by name.
- personally; individually:She was always careful to address every employee by name.
- not personally; by repute:I know him by name only.
- to scold or speak abusively of or to a person: Better not to call names unless one is larger and considerably stronger than one's adversary.
- In the name of mercy, stop that screaming!
- with appeal to:In the name of mercy, stop that screaming!
- by the authority of:Open, in the name of the law!
- on behalf of:to purchase something in the name of another.
- under the name or possession of:money deposited in the name of a son.
- under the designation or excuse of:murder in the name of justice.
- in one's possession: I haven't a penny to my name.
- to give a name to: to name a baby.
- to accuse: He was named as the thief.
- to call by an epithet: They named her speedy.
- to identify, specify, or mention by name: Three persons were named in the report.
- to designate for some duty or office; nominate or appoint: I have named you for the position.
- to specify; suggest: Name a price.
- to give the name of: Can you name the capital of Ohio?
- to speak of.
- (in the House of Commons) to cite (a member) for contempt.
- to specify people by name, esp. those who have been accomplices in a misdeed: The witness in the bribery investigation threatened to name names.
- famous; widely known: a name author.
- designed for or carrying a name.
- giving its name or title to a collection or anthology containing it: the name piece.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.