lounge: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (lounj), [key]
— v., n. lounged, loung•ing,
  1. to pass time idly and indolently.
  2. to rest or recline indolently; loll: We lounged in the sun all afternoon.
  3. to go or move in a leisurely, indolent manner; saunter (usually fol. by around, along, off, etc.).
  1. to pass (time) in lounging (usually fol. by away or out): to lounge away the afternoon.
  1. a sofa for reclining, sometimes backless, having a headrest at one end.
  2. a place for sitting, waiting, smoking, etc., esp. a large public room, as in a hotel, theater, or air terminal, often with adjoining washrooms.
  3. a section on a train, plane, or ship having various club or social facilities.
  4. a cocktail lounge.
  5. the act or a period of lounging.
  6. a lounging gait.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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