hound: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (hound), [key]
— n.
  1. one of any of several breeds of dogs trained to pursue game either by sight or by scent, esp. one with a long face and large drooping ears.
  2. any dog.
  3. a mean, despicable person.
  4. an addict or devotee: an autograph hound.
  5. one of the pursuers in the game of hare and hounds.
  6. to participate in a hunt, esp. as a member of the field.
  7. to participate in a hunt, whether as a member of the field or of the hunt staff.
  1. to hunt or track with hounds, or as a hound does; pursue.
  2. to pursue or harass without respite: Her little brother wouldn't stop hounding her.
  3. to incite (a hound) to pursuit or attack; urge on.
  4. to incite or urge (a person) to do something (usually fol. by on).


Pronunciation: (hound), [key]
— n.
  1. either of a pair of fore-and-aft members at the lower end of the head of a mast, for supporting the trestletrees, that support an upper mast at its heel. Cf. cheek (def. 12).
  2. a horizontal bar or brace, usually one of a pair, for strengthening the running gear of a horse-drawn wagon or the like.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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