hard core: Meaning and Definition of

hard' core'

Pronunciation: [key]
  1. the permanent, dedicated, and completely faithful nucleus of a group or movement, as of a political party.
  2. an unyielding or intransigent element in a social or organizational structure, as that part of a group consisting of longtime adherents or those resistant to change.
  3. those whose condition seems to be without hope of remedy or change.


Pronunciation: (härd'kôr', -kōr'), [key]
— adj.
  1. unswervingly committed; uncompromising; dedicated: a hard-core segregationist.
  2. pruriently explicit; graphically depicted: hard-core pornography.
  3. being so without apparent change or remedy; chronic:Cf. soft-core. hard-core inflation; hard-core unemployment.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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