fore: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (fôr, fōr), [key]
— adj.
  1. situated at or toward the front, as compared with something else.
  2. first in place, time, order, rank, etc.; forward; earlier.
  3. fore topmast stay.
    1. of or pertaining to a foremast.
    2. noting a sail, yard, boom, etc., or any rigging belonging to a fore lower mast or to some upper mast of a foremast.
    3. noting any stay running aft and upward to the head of a fore lower mast or to some specified upper mast of a foremast:fore topmast stay.
    4. situated at or toward the bow of a vessel; forward.
  1. at or toward the bow.
  2. forward.
  3. before.
  4. in, at, or to both ends of a ship.
  1. the forepart of anything; front.
  2. the foremast.
    1. into a conspicuous place or position; to or at the front.
    2. at hand; ready; available.
    3. still alive.
—prep., conj.
  1. before.


Pronunciation: (fôr, fōr), [key]
— interj. Golf.
  1. (used as a cry of warning to persons on a course who are in danger of being struck by the ball.)


Pronunciation: [key]
  1. a prefix meaning “before” (in space, time, condition, etc.), “front,” “superior,” etc.: forehead; forecastle; forecast; foretell; foreman.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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