footing: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (foot'ing), [key]
— n.
  1. the basis or foundation on which anything is established.
  2. the act of one who moves on foot, as in walking or dancing.
  3. a secure and established position.
  4. a place or support for the feet; surface to stand on; foothold.
  5. a firm placing of the feet; stability: He regained his footing.
  6. the part of a foundation bearing directly upon the earth.
  7. position or status assigned to a person, group, etc., in estimation or treatment.
  8. mutual standing; reciprocal relation: to be on a friendly footing with someone.
  9. entrance into a new position or relationship: to gain a footing in society.
  10. a fee demanded from a person upon entrance into a trade, society, etc.
  11. the act of adding a foot to something, as to a stocking.
  12. that which is added as a foot.
  13. the act of adding up a column of figures.
  14. the total of such a column.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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