Pronunciation: (kram), [key]
— v., n. crammed, cram•ming,
- to fill (something) by force with more than it can easily hold.
- to force or stuff (usually fol. by into, down, etc.).
- to fill with or as with an excessive amount of food; overfeed.
- to prepare (a person), as for an examination, by having him or her memorize information within a short period of time.
- to acquire knowledge of (a subject) by so preparing oneself.
- to tell lies to.
- to eat greedily or to excess.
- to study for an examination by memorizing facts at the last minute.
- to press or force accommodation in a room, vehicle, etc., beyond normal or comfortable capacity; crowd; jam: The whole team crammed into the bus.
- the act of cramming for an examination.
- a crammed state.
- a dense crowd; throng.
Pronunciation: (kram), [key]
- 1863–1942, U.S. architect and writer.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.