Pronunciation: (v.klōzadj., adv.klōs or, for 56, klōzn.klōz for 66, 67, 70–72, 74, 75, klōs for 68, 69, 73), [key]
— v., adj., adv., n. closed, clos•ing, clos•er, clos•est,
- to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance, opening, etc.; shut.
- to stop or obstruct (a gap, entrance, aperture, etc.): to close a hole in a wall with plaster.
- to block or hinder passage across or access to: to close a border to tourists; to close the woods to picnickers.
- to stop or obstruct the entrances, apertures, or gaps in: He closed the crate and tied it up.
- (of the mind) to make imperceptive or inaccessible: to close one's mind to the opposite opinion.
- to bring together the parts of; join; unite (often fol. by up): Close up those ranks! The surgeon closed the incision.
- to complete (an electrical circuit) by joining the circuit elements: The circuit was closed so the current could be measured.
- to bring to an end: to close a debate.
- to arrange the final details of; to conclude negotiations about: to close a deal to everyone's satisfaction.
- to complete or settle (a contract or transaction); consummate: We close the sale of the house next week.
- to stop rendering the customary services of: to close a store for the night.
- to terminate or suspend the operation of; to halt the activities of: The epidemic forced authorities to close the schools. The police closed the bar for selling liquor to minors.
- to come close to: We closed the cruiser to put our injured captain on board.
- to reduce the internal diameter of (a tube or the like).
- to shut in or surround on all sides; enclose; cover in: to close a bird in a cage.
- to become closed; shut: The door closed with a bang. This window is stuck and will not close tight.
- to come together; unite: Her lips closed firmly.
- to come close: His pursuers closed rapidly.
- to grapple; engage in close encounter (often fol. by with): We closed with the invaders shortly before sundown.
- to come to an end; terminate: The service closed with a hymn.
- to cease to offer the customary activities or services: The school closed for the summer.
- to enter into or reach an agreement, usually as a contract: The builder closed with the contractor after negotiations.
- (of a theatrical production) to cease to be performed: The play closed in New York yesterday and will open in Dallas next week.
- (of a stock, group of stocks, etc.) to be priced or show a change in price as specified at the end of a trading period: The market closed low for the fourth straight day.
- to close down an air base because of budget cuts.
- to terminate the operation of; discontinue:to close down an air base because of budget cuts.
- to attempt to control or eliminate:The city must close down drug traffic.
- The hoodlums closed in on their victim.
- to approach so as to capture, attack, arrest, etc.:The hoodlums closed in on their victim.
- to surround or envelop so as to entrap:a feeling that the room was closing in upon her.
- That store is closing out its stock of men's clothing.
- to reduce the price of (merchandise) for quick sale:That store is closing out its stock of men's clothing.
- to liquidate or dispose of finally and completely:They closed out their interests after many years in this city.
- to unite forces, esp. by overlooking petty differences, in order to deal with an adverse or challenging situation; to join together in a show of unity, esp. to the public: When the newspaper story broke suggesting possible corruption in the government, the politicians all closed ranks.
- The enemy was closing up on us from both flanks.
- to come together in close array; converge:The enemy was closing up on us from both flanks.
- to bring to an end; cease:The company is closing up its overseas operations.
- to become silent or uncommunicative.
- to reduce or eliminate spacing material between (units of set type).
- having the parts or elements near to one another: a close formation of battleships.
- compact; dense: a close texture; a close weave.
- being in or having proximity in space or time: The barn is so close to the house that you can hear the animals. His birthday is in May, close to mine.
- marked by similarity in degree, action, feeling, etc.: This dark pink is close to red. He left her close to tears.
- near, or near together, in kind or relationship: a flower close to a rose; a close relative.
- intimate or confidential; dear.
- based on a strong uniting feeling of respect, honor, or love: a close circle of friends.
- fitting tightly: a close, clinging negligee.
- (of a haircut or shave, the mowing of a lawn, etc.) so executed that the hair, grass, or the like is left flush with the surface or very short.
- not deviating from the subject under consideration.
- strict; searching; minute: The matter requires close investigation.
- not deviating from a model or original: a close, literal translation.
- nearly even or equal: a close contest.
- strictly logical: close reasoning.
- shut; shut tight; not open: a close hatch.
- shut in; enclosed.
- completely enclosing or surrounding: a close siege preventing all escape.
- without opening; with all openings covered or closed.
- confined; narrow: close quarters.
- lacking fresh or freely circulating air: a hot, close room.
- heavy; oppressive: a spell of close, sultry weather.
- narrowly confined, as a prisoner.
- practicing or keeping secrecy; secretive; reticent: She is so close that you can tell her all your secrets.
- parsimonious; stingy: He is very close with his money.
- scarce, as money.
- not open to public or general admission, competition, etc.: The entire parish participated in the close communication.
- (of a delimiting punctuation mark) occurring at the end of a group of words or characters that is set off, as from surrounding text:Cf. open (def. 32). close parentheses; close quotes; close brackets.
- closed (def. 8).
- (of a vowel) articulated with a relatively small opening between the tongue and the roof of the mouth. Cf. high (def. 23),(def. 34a).
- (of a bird) represented as having folded wings: an eagle close.
- viscous; not volatile.
- in a close manner; closely.
- near; close by.
- immediately behind the ears, so as to show no neck: a bear's head couped close.
- in a direction nearly opposite to that from which the wind is coming: to sail close to the wind.
- an answering pennant flown close up.
- from close range; in a detailed manner; intimately.
- Naut.fully raised; at the top of the halyard:an answering pennant flown close up.Cf. dip (def. 37).
- the act of closing.
- the end or conclusion: at the close of day; the close of the speech.
- an enclosed place or enclosure, esp. one about or beside a cathedral or other building.
- any piece of land held as private property.
- See
- cadence (def. 7).
- the closing price on a stock.
- the closing prices on an exchange market.
- a narrow entry or alley terminating in a dead end.
- a courtyard enclosed except for one narrow entrance.
- a junction; union.
- a close encounter; a grapple: The fighters met in a fierce close.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.