clatter: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (klat'ur), [key]
— v.i.
  1. to make a loud, rattling sound, as that produced by hard objects striking rapidly one against the other: The shutters clattered in the wind.
  2. to move rapidly with such a sound: The iron-wheeled cart clattered down the street.
  3. to talk fast and noisily; chatter: They clattered on and on about their children.
  1. to cause to clatter: clattering the pots and pans in the sink.
  1. a rattling noise or series of rattling noises: The stagecoach made a terrible clatter going over the wooden bridge.
  2. noisy disturbance; din; racket.
  3. noisy talk; din of voices: They had to shout over the clatter at the cocktail party.
  4. idle talk; gossip.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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