city: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (sit'ē), [key]
— pl. cit•ies.
  1. a large or important town.
  2. (in the U.S.) an incorporated municipality, usually governed by a mayor and a board of aldermen or councilmen.
  3. the inhabitants of a city collectively: The entire city is mourning his death.
  4. (in Canada) a municipality of high rank, usually based on population.
  5. (in Great Britain) a borough, usually the seat of a bishop, upon which the dignity of the title has been conferred by the crown.
  6. I'm going to the City to buy clothes and see a show.
    1. the major metropolitan center of a region; downtown:I'm going to the City to buy clothes and see a show.
    2. the commercial and financial area of London, England.
  7. a city-state.
  8. (often cap.)a place, person, or situation having certain features or characteristics (used in combination): The party last night was Action City. That guy is dull city.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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