chute the chute: Meaning and Definition of

chute' the chute'

Pronunciation: [key]
  1. to ride or slide on, or as if on, a chute-the-chute.


Pronunciation: (sht'u-sht", sht'u-sht"), [key]
— n.
  1. a ride or coaster, as at an amusement park or carnival, that provides thrills or excitement by moving passengers down steep dips and around sharp curves, esp. one having a track that ends in water. Cf. roller coaster.
  2. a steep or curving slide used for purposes of amusement.
  3. any ride, motion, or experience that produces a sensation of rapid or curving descent: an emotional chute-the-chute.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.