Pronunciation: (kâr), [key]
— n., v., cared, car•ing.
- a state of mind in which one is troubled; worry, anxiety, or concern: He was never free from care.
- a cause or object of worry, anxiety, concern, etc.: Their son has always been a great care to them.
- serious attention; solicitude; heed; caution: She devotes great care to her work.
- protection; charge: He is under the care of a doctor.
- temporary keeping, as for the benefit of or until claimed by the owner: He left his valuables in the care of friends. Address my mail in care of the American Embassy.
- grief; suffering; sorrow.
- Take care that you don't fall on the ice!
- be alert; be careful:Take care that you don't fall on the ice!
- take care of yourself; goodbye: used as an expression of parting.
- to take care of an invalid.
- to watch over; be responsible for:to take care of an invalid.
- to act on; deal with; attend to:to take care of paying a bill.
- to be concerned or solicitous; have thought or regard.
- to be concerned or have a special preference (usually used in negative constructions): I don't care if I do.
- to make provision or look out (usually fol. by for): Will you care for the children while I am away?
- to have an inclination, liking, fondness, or affection (usually fol. by for):I don't care for him very much. Would you care for dessert?
- to feel concern about: He doesn't care what others say.
- to wish; desire; like: Would you care to dance?
- could not care less; be completely unconcerned: I couldn't care less whether she goes to the party or not.
Pronunciation: (kâr), [key]
— n.
- a private organization for the collection of funds, goods, etc., for distribution to the needy in foreign countries.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.