Pronunciation: (kam'ur-u, kam'ru), [key]
— n., pl. adj. -er•as -er•ae
- a boxlike device for holding a film or plate sensitive to light, having an aperture controlled by a shutter that, when opened, admits light enabling an object to be focused, usually by means of a lens, on the film or plate, thereby producing a photographic image.
- (in a television transmitting apparatus) the device in which the picture to be televised is formed before it is changed into electric impulses.
- a judge's private office.
- the privacy of a judge's chambers.
- privately.
- out of the range of a television or motion-picture camera.
- being filmed or televised by a live camera: Be sure to look alert when you are on camera.
- camera-ready.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.