Pronunciation: (biz'ē), [key]
— adj., v., bus•i•er, bus•i•est, bus•ied, bus•y•ing.
- actively and attentively engaged in work or a pastime: busy with her work.
- not at leisure; otherwise engaged: He couldn't see any visitors because he was busy.
- full of or characterized by activity: a busy life.
- (of a telephone line) in use by a party or parties and not immediately accessible.
- officious; meddlesome; prying.
- ornate, disparate, or clashing in design or colors; cluttered with small, unharmonious details; fussy: The rug is too busy for this room.
- to keep occupied; make or keep busy: In summer, he busied himself keeping the lawn in order.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.