Pronunciation: (bild), [key]
— v., n. built build build•ing
- to construct (esp. something complex) by assembling and joining parts or materials: to build a house.
- to establish, increase, or strengthen (often fol. by up): to build a business; to build up one's hopes.
- to mold, form, or create: to build boys into men.
- to base; found: a relationship built on trust.
- to make (words) from letters.
- to assemble (cards) according to number, suit, etc., as in melding.
- to engage in the art, practice, or business of building.
- to form or construct a plan, system of thought, etc. (usually fol. by on or upon): He built on the philosophies of the past.
- to increase or develop toward a maximum, as of intensity, tempo, or magnitude (often fol. by up): The drama builds steadily toward a climax.
- to build or incorporate as part of something else: to build in bookcases between the windows; an allowance for travel expenses built into the budget.
- to build up a bank account.
- to develop or increase:to build up a bank account.
- to strengthen.
- to prepare in stages.
- to fill in with houses; develop into an urban area.
- to praise or flatter.
- the physical structure, esp. of a person; physique; figure: He had a strong build.
- the manner or form of construction: The house was of modern build.
- a vertical joint.
- the vertical dimension of a stone laid on its bed.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.