Pronunciation: (bug), [key]
— n., v., bugged, bug•ging.
- Also calleda hemipterous insect.
- (loosely) any insect or insectlike invertebrate.
- any microorganism, esp. a virus: He was laid up for a week by an intestinal bug.
- a defect or imperfection, as in a mechanical device, computer program, or plan; glitch: The test flight discovered the bugs in the new plane.
- a hi-fi bug.
- a person who has a great enthusiasm for something; fan or hobbyist:a hi-fi bug.
- a craze or obsession:He's got the sports-car bug.
- a hidden microphone or other electronic eavesdropping device.
- any of various small mechanical or electrical gadgets, as one to influence a gambling device, give warning of an intruder, or indicate location.
- a mark, as an asterisk, that indicates a particular item, level, etc.
- the five-pound weight allowance that can be claimed by an apprentice jockey.
- a telegraph key that automatically transmits a series of dots when moved to one side and one dash when moved to the other.
- a joker that can be used only as an ace or as a wild card to fill a straight or a flush.
- a label printed on certain matter to indicate that it was produced by a union shop.
- any of various fishing plugs resembling an insect.
- a bedbug.
- to give someone a subtle suggestion; hint: We put a bug in his ear about a new gymnasium.
Pronunciation: (bug), [key]
— n. Obs.
- a bogy; hobgoblin.
Pronunciation: (bug Pol., Russ. b&oomacrk), [key]
— n.
- a river in E central Europe, rising in W Ukraine and forming part of the boundary between Poland and Ukraine, flowing NW to the Vistula River in Poland. 450 mi. (725 km) long.
- a river in SW Ukraine flowing SE to the Dnieper estuary. ab. 530 mi. (850 km) long.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.