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High Mass or “Grand Mass” is sung by choristers, and celebrated with the assistance of a deacon and sub-deacon.
Low Mass is simply read without singing; there is one between these two called the “chanted mass,” in which the service is chanted by the priest.
Besides these there are a number of special masses, as the mass of the Beatæ, mass of the Holy Ghost, mass of the dead, mass of a saint, mass of scarcity, dry mass, votive mass, holiday mass, Ambrosian mass, Gallic mass, mass of the presanctified for Good Friday, missa Mosarabum, etc. etc.
“Pope Celestinus ordained the introit and the gloria in excelsis.”
“Pope Gregory the Great ordered the kyrie eleison to be repeated nine times, and introduced the prayer.”
“Pope Gelasius ordained the Epistle and Gospel.”
“Pope Damascus introduced the Credo.”
“Pope Alexander put into the canon the following clause: `Qui pridie quam pateretur.' ”
“Pope Sextus introduced the Sanctus.”
“Pope Innocent the pax.”
“Pope Leo the Oràte Fratres,” and the words in the canon: “`Sanctum Sacrificium et immaculatiani Hostram.”'
E. Kinesman: Lives of the Saints, p. 187 (1623).
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