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or Strangled. Examples from the ancient classic writers:
(1) AC'HIUS, King of Lydia, endeavoured to raise a new tribute from his subjects and was hanged by the enraged populace, who threw the dead body into the river Pactolus.
(2) AMA'TA, wife of King Latinus, promised her daughter Lavinia to King Turnus; when, however, she was given in marriage to AEneas, Amata Uanged herself that she might not see the hated stranger. (
(3) ARACH'NE, the most skilful of needle-women, hanged herself because she was outdone in a trial of skill by Minerva. (
(4) AUTOL'YCA, mother of Ulysses, hanged herself in despair on receiving false news of her son's death.
(5) BONO'SUS, a Spaniard by birth, was strangled by the Emperor Probus for assuming the imperial parple in Gaul. (A.D. 280.)
(6) IPHIS, a beautiful youth of Salamis, of mean birth, hanged himself because h s addresses were rejected by Anaxarele a girl of Salamis of similar rank in life. (
(7) LATI'NUS, wife of. (See Amata,ábove.)
(8) LYCAM'BES, father of Neobula, who hétrothed her to Archilochos, the poet. He broke his promise, and gave her in marriage to a wealthier man. Archilochos so scourged them by his satires that both father and daughter banged themselves.
(9) NEOBU'LA. (See above.)
(10) PHYLLIS, Queen of Thrace, the accepted of Demoph'oön, who stopped on her coasts on his return from Troy. Demophoön was called away to Athens, and promised to return; but, failing so to do, Phyllis hanged herself.
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