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in its connection with Henri IV. and Louis XIV. The following are curious and strange coincidences:
14 letters in the name Henri-de-Bourbon. He was the 14th king of France and Navarre on the extinction of the family of Navarre. He was born on Dec. 14, 1553, the sum of which year amounts to 14; he was assassinated on May 14, 1610; and lived 4 times 14 years, 14 weeks, and 4 times 14 days.
14 May, 1552, was born Marguerite de Valois, his first wife.
14 May, 1588, the Parisians rose in revolt against him, because he was a “heretic.”
14 March, 1590, he won the great battle of Ivry.
14 May, 1590, was organised a grand ecclesiastical and military demonstration against him, which drove him from the faubourgs of Paris.
14 Nov., 1590, the Sixteen took an oath to die rather than submit to a “heretic” king.
It was Gregory XIV. who issued a Bull excluding Henri from the throne. 14 Nov., 1592, the Paris parlement registered the papal Bull.
14 Dec., 1599, the Duke of Savoy was reconciled to Henri IV.
14 Sept., 1606, was baptised the dauphin (afterwards Louis XIII.), son of Henri IV. 14 May, 1610, Henry was assassinated by Ravaillac.
For the dates see Histoire de France, by Bordier and Churton (1859). LOUIS XIV.
14th of the name. He mounted the throne 1643, the sum of which figures equals 14. He died 1715, the sum of which figures also equals 14. He reigned 77 years, the sum of which two figures equals 14. He was born 1638, died 1715, which added together equals 3353, the sum of which figures comes to 14. Such a strange combination is probably without parallel.
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