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A dial formed by flowers which open or close at stated hours. I. Dial of flowers which open—
(a) The first twelve hours.
1. (Scandinavian Sowthistle closes.)
2. Yellow Goat's-board.
3. Common Ox-tongue.
4. Hawkweed; Late-flowering Dandelion; and Wild Succory.
5. White Water-lily; Naked-stalked Poppy; and Smooth Sowthistle.
6. Shrubby Hawkweed and Spotted Cat's-ears.
7. White Water-lily; Garden Lettuce; and African Marigold.
8. Scarlet Pimpernel; Mouse-ear Hawkweed; and Proliferous Pink.
9. Field Marigold.
10. Red Sandwort.
11. Star of Bethlehem.
Noon. Ice Plant.
(b) The second twelve hours.
Midnight. (Late-flowering Dandelion closes.)
II. Dial of closing flowers—(a) The first twelve hours.
(b) The second twelve hours.
Midnight. Creeping Mallow and Late Dandelion.
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