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(under the three feet in height).
ANDROMEDA, 2 ft. 4 in. One of Julia's free maids. (See below, gonopas.) ARISTRATOS, the poet, was so small that Athenæos says, “no one could see him.” BEBE, or Nicholas Ferry, 2 ft. 9 in. A native of France (1714-1737). He had a brother and sister, both dwarfs. BORUWLASKI (Count Joseph), 2 ft. 4 in. at the age of twenty. (1739-1837).
BUCKINGER (Matthew), a German, born 1674. He was born without hands, legs, or feet. Facsimiles of his writing are amongst the Harleian MSS.
CHE-MAH (a Chinese), 2 ft. 1 in., weight 52 lbs. Exhibited in London in 1880. COLOBRI (Prince) of Sleswig, 2 ft. 1 in., weight 25 lbs. at the age of 25 (1851). CONOPAS, 2 ft. 4 in. One of the dwarfs of Julia, niece of Augustus. (See above, ANDROMEDA.)) COPPERNIN, the dwarf of the Princess of Wales, mother of George III. The last court dwarf in England. CRACH'AMI' (Caroline). Born at Palermo; 1 ft. 8 in. at death. (1814-24.) Exhibited in Bond Street, London, 1824.
DECKER or DUCKER (John), 2 ft. 6 in. An Englishman (1610). FAIRY QUEEN (The), 1 ft. 4 in., weight 4 lbs, Exhibited in Regent Street, London, 1850. Her feet were less than two inches.
GIBSON (Richard), a good portrait painter. His wife's maiden name was Anne Shepherd. Each measured 3 ft. 10 in. Waller sang their praises. (In the reign of Charles I.)
HUDSON (Sir Jeffrey). Born at Oakham, Rutlandshire; 1 ft. 6 in. at the age of thirty (1619-78). J ARVIS (John), 2 ft. Page of honour to Queen Mary (1508-56).
LOLKES (Wybrand), 2 ft. 3 in., weight 57 lbs. Exhibited at Astley's in 1790. LUCIUS, 2 ft., weight 17 lbs. The dwarf of the Emperor Augustus.
MARINE (Lizzie), 2 ft. 9 in., weight 45 lbs.
MIDGETS, THE. Lucia Zarate, the eldest sister, 1 ft. 8 in., weight 4 3/4 lbs at the age of eighteen. Her sister was a little taller. Exhibited in London, 1881.
MILLER (Miss), of Virginia, 2 ft. 2 in.
MITE (General), 1 ft. 9 in. (weight 9 lbs.) at the age of seventeen. Exhibited in London, 1881. PAAP (Simon). A Dutch dwarf, 2 ft. 4 in., weight 27 lbs.
PHILETAS, a poet, contemporary with Hippocratês. So thin “that he wore leaden shoes lest the wind should blow him away.” (Died B.C. 280.)
SAWYER (A. L.), 2 ft. 6 1/2 in., weight 39 lbs. Editor in 1883, etc., of the Democrat, a paper of considerable repute in Florida.
STOBERIN (C. H.), of Nuremberg, 2 ft. 11 in at the age of twenty. STOCKER (Nannette), 2 ft. 9 in. Exhibited in London in 1815.
STRASSE DAVIT Family. Man, 1 ft. 8 in.; woman, 1 ft. 6 in.; child, at age of seventeen, only 6 in. Embalmed in the chemical library of Rastadt.
T ERESIA (Madame). A Corsican, 2 ft. 10 in., weight 27 lbs. Exhibited in London 1773. TOM THUMB (General), whose name was Charles S. Stratton, born at Bridgeport in Connecticut, U.S., 2 ft. 1 in., weight 25 lbs, at the age of twenty-five. (1838-83.) Exhibited first in London in 1844. In 1863 he married
Betsy Bump (Lavina Warren).
TOM THUMB, a Dutch dwarf, 2 ft. 4 in, at the age of eighteen. WANMER (Lucy,) 2 ft. 6 in., weight 45 lbs. Exhibited in London, 1801, at the age of forty-five. WARREN (Lavina), married to General Tom Thumb in 1863, was also a dwarf, and in 1885 she married another dwarf, Count Primo Magri, who was 2 ft. 8 in.
WORMBERG (John), 2 ft. 7 in at the age of thirty-eight (Hanoverian period). XIT was the dwarf of Edward VI.
ZARATE (Lucia), 1 ft. 3 in. An excellent linguist of Shigaken Osara (b. 1851). Nicephorus Galistus tells us of an Egyptian dwarf not bigger than a partridge. The names of several infants are known whose heads have not exceeded in size an ordinary billiard ball. The son of D. C. Miller, of Candelaria, born October 27th, 1882, weighed only 8 3/3 oz. A silver dollar would entirely hide its face, and its mouth was too small to admit an ordinary lead pencil.
The head of the son of Mrs. Charles Tracy, of Kingsbridge, N.Y., was not bigger than a horse-chestnut, and the mouth would hardly grasp a goose-quill. The mother's wedding ring would slip easily up its legs and thighs.
The head of Mr. Marion Poe's child was not so big as a billiard ball, and the mother's ring would slip up the arm as high as the shoulder. Mr. Poe stands over six feet in height.
I have a list of several other babies of similar dimensions.
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