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(The). Rome, built on seven hills (Urbs septacollis ). The hills are the Aventine, Cælian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal.
The AVENTINE HILL was given to the people. It was deemed unlucky, because here Remus was slain. It was also called “Collis Dianae,” from the Temple of Diana which stood there.
The CAELIAN HILL was given to Caelius Vibenna, the Tuscan, who came to the help of the Romans in the Sabine war.
The CAPITOLINE HILL or “Mons Tarpeius,” also called “Mons Saturni,” on which stood the great castle or capitol of Rome. It contained the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus.
The ESQUILINE HILL was given by Augustus to Mecænas, who built thereon a magnificent mansion. The PALATINE HILL was the largest of the seven. Here Romulus held his court, whence the word “palace” (palatium).
The QUIRINAL HILL was where the Quirés or Curês settlèd. It was also called “Cabalinus,” from two marble statues of a horse, one of which was the work of Phidias, the other of Praxiteles.
The VIMINAL HILL was so called from the number of osiers (vimines ) which grew there. It contained the Temple of Jupiter Viminalis.
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