or Chips.
A carpenter is known by his chips. A man is known to be a carpenter by the chips in his workshop, so the profession or taste of other men may be known by their manners or mode of speech. There is a broadcloth slang as well as a corduroy slang; a military, naval, school, and university slang.
Such carpenters, such chips. As the workman, so his work will be.
Brother Chip. Properly a brother carpenter, but in its extended meaning applied to anyone of the same vocation as ourselves. (Es nostræ fasciæ; Petronius.) The ship's carpenter is, at sea, commonly addressed as “chips.”
Saratoga chips. Potatoes sliced thin while raw, and fried crisp. Sometimes called chipped potatoes. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894