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The most noted in ancient times- ÆNEAS to Deiphobus (Æneid, 1. 6: v. 505).
ANDROMACHE (4 syl.) to Hector (Æneid. 1.3; v. 302) ARGENTIER to Kallaischros (Anthologia, bk. iii. 22).
ARISTOTLE to Hermlas and Kubuios (Diogenes Laertius).
The ATHENIANS to the poet Euripides.
CALLIMACHOS to Sopolis, son of Dioclidês (Epigram of Callimachos, 22). CATULLUS to his brother (Epigram of Catullus, 103).
DIDO to Sichaeus (Justin, xviii. 6).
EUPOLIS and Aristodicê to their son Theotimos. GERMAIN DE BRIE to Hervé, the Breton, in 1512. ONESTOS to Timoclês (Anthologia, iii. p. 366).
The ROMANS to Drusus in Germany, and to Alexander Severus, the emp., in Gaul (Suetonius: Life of Claudius; and the Anthologia ).
STATIUS to his father (The Sylvæ of Statius, v. Epicedium. 3.
TIMARES to his son Teleutagoras.
XENOCRATES to Lysidices (Anthologia).
A cenotaph (Greek, keuoz tafoz an empty tomb) is a monument or tablet to the memory of a person whose body is buried elsewhere. A mausoleum is an imposing monument enshrining the dead body itself.
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