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(Ang.-Saxon, boc; Danish, beuke; German, buche, a beech-tree). Beechbark was employed for carving names on before the invention of printing.
Here on my trunk's surviving frame, Carved many a long-forgotten name. ... As love's own altar, honour me: Spare, woodman, spare the beechen tree.
Campbell: Beech Tree's Petition.
The dearest ever sold. A Mazarin Bible at the Thorold sale, in 1884, bought by Mr. Quaritch, book-seller, Piccadilly, London, for 3,400 for a copy.
The oldest in the world. That by Ptah-Hotep, the Egyptian, compiled in the reign of Assa, about B.C. 3366. This MS. is preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. It is written on papyrus in hieratic characters, and is a compilation of moral, political, and religious aphorisms. It strongly insists on reverence to women, politeness, and monotheism. Ptah-Hotep was a prince of the blood, and lived to the age of 110 years.
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