bottle: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (bot'l), [key]
— n., v., -tled, -tling.
  1. a portable container for holding liquids, characteristically having a neck and mouth and made of glass or plastic.
  2. the contents of such a container; as much as such a container contains: a bottle of wine.
  3. bottled cow's milk, milk formulas, or substitute mixtures given to infants instead of mother's milk: raised on the bottle.
  4. to drink alcohol to excess often or habitually.
  5. intoxicating beverages; liquor: He became addicted to the bottle.
  1. to put into or seal in a bottle: to bottle grape juice.
  2. to preserve (fruit or vegetables) by heating to a sufficient temperature and then sealing in a jar.
  3. He kept all of his anger bottled up inside him.
    1. to repress, control, or restrain:He kept all of his anger bottled up inside him.
    2. to enclose or entrap:Traffic was bottled up in the tunnel.


Pronunciation: (bot'l), [key]
— n. Archit.
  1. boltel (def. 2).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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