Pronunciation: (bō'gē for 2 also b&oobreveg'ē, b&oomacr'gē), [key]
— n., pl. v., -geys, -geyed, -gey•ing.
- a score of one stroke over par on a hole.
- par (def. 4).
- bogy (defs. 1–3).
- an unidentified aircraft or missile, esp. one detected as a blip on a radar screen.
- bogie.
- to make a bogey on (a hole): Arnold Palmer bogeyed the 18th hole.
Pronunciation: (bō'gē), [key]
— n., pl. v., -geys, -geyed, -gey•ing.
- a swim; bathe.
- to swim; bathe.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.