Pronunciation: (bob), [key]
— n., v., bobbed, bob•bing.
- a short, jerky motion: a bob of the head.
- to move quickly down and up: to bob the head.
- to indicate with such a motion: to bob a greeting.
- to make a jerky motion with the head or body.
- to move about with jerky, usually rising and falling motions: The ball bobbed upon the waves.
- to emerge or appear, esp. unexpectedly: A familiar face bobbed up in the crowd.
Pronunciation: (bob), [key]
— n., v., bobbed, bob•bing.
- a style of short haircut for women and children.
- a docked horse's tail.
- a dangling or terminal object, as the weight on a pendulum or a plumb line.
- a short, simple line in a verse or song, esp. a short refrain or coda.
- a knot of worms, rags, etc., on a string.
- a float for a fishing line.
- a bobsled or bob skate.
- a bunch, cluster, or wad, esp. a small bouquet of flowers.
- See
- to cut short; dock: They bobbed their hair to be in style.
- to try to snatch floating or dangling objects with the teeth: to bob for apples.
- to fish with a bob.
Pronunciation: (bob), [key]
— n., v., bobbed, bob•bing.
- a tap; light blow.
- a polishing wheel of leather, felt, or the like.
- to tap; strike lightly.
Pronunciation: (bob), [key]
— pl. bob.
- a shilling.
Pronunciation: (bob), [key]
— n.
- a male given name, form of
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.