Pronunciation: (blō), [key]
— n.
- a sudden, hard stroke with a hand, fist, or weapon: a blow to the head.
- a sudden shock, calamity, reversal, etc.: His wife's death was a terrible blow to him.
- a sudden attack or drastic action: The invaders struck a blow to the south.
- with a single act: He became wealthy and famous at one blow.
- to begin to fight, esp. to engage in physical combat: They came to blows over the referee's ruling.
- to hit.
- to further or advance the cause of: to strike a blow for civil rights.
- without a battle or contest: The military coup was accomplished without striking a blow.
Pronunciation: (blō), [key]
— v., n. blew, blown, blow•ing,
- (of the wind or air) to be in motion.
- to move along, carried by or as by the wind: Dust seemed to blow through every crack in the house.
- to produce or emit a current of air, as with the mouth or a bellows: Blow on your hands to warm them.
- (of a horn, trumpet, etc.) to give out sound.
- to make a blowing sound; whistle: The siren blew just as we rounded the corner.
- (of horses) to breathe hard or quickly; pant.
- to boast; brag: He kept blowing about his medals.
- (of a whale) to spout.
- (of a fuse, light bulb, vacuum tube, tire, etc.) to burst, melt, stop functioning, or be destroyed by exploding, overloading, etc. (often fol. by out): A fuse blew just as we sat down to dinner. The rear tire blew out.
- to burst from internal pressure: Poorly sealed cans will often blow.
- to leave; depart.
- to drive by means of a current of air: A sudden breeze blew the smoke into the house.
- to spread or make widely known: Growing panic blew the rumor about.
- to drive a current of air upon.
- to clear or empty by forcing air through: Try blowing your nose.
- to shape (glass, smoke, etc.) with a current of air: to blow smoke rings.
- to cause to sound, as by a current of air: Blow your horn at the next crossing.
- to play (a musical instrument of any kind).
- to cause to explode (often fol. by up, to bits, etc.): A mine blew the ship to bits.
- to burst, melt, burn out, or destroy by exploding, overloading, etc. (often fol. by out): to blow a tire; blow a fuse.
- to destroy; demolish (usually fol. by down, over, etc.): The windstorm blew down his house.
- He blew a fortune on racing cars.
- to spend money on.
- to squander; spend quickly:He blew a fortune on racing cars.
- to waste; lose:The team blew the lead by making a bad play.
- to mishandle, ruin, botch; make a mess of; bungle: With one stupid mistake he blew the whole project. It was your last chance and you blew it!
- to damn: Blow the cost!
- to put (a horse) out of breath by fatigue.
- to depart from: to blow town.
- . to perform fellatio on.
- to smoke (marijuana or other drugs).
- The gang threatened to blow away anyone who talked to the police.
- to kill, esp. by gunfire:The gang threatened to blow away anyone who talked to the police.
- to defeat decisively; trounce:She blew her opponent away in three straight sets.
- to overwhelm with emotion, astonishment, etc.:Good poetry just blows me away.
- to suspend working of (a blast furnace) by smelting the existing charge with a diminishing blast.
- to favor something at first and reject it later on; waver; vacillate: His enthusiasm for the job blows hot and cold.
- My uncle just blew in from Sacramento.
- arrive at a place, esp. unexpectedly:My uncle just blew in from Sacramento.
- begin operations in (a blast furnace).
- to allow steam to be released.
- reduce or release tension, as by loud talking.
- to lose one's composure; become angry, frantic, or flustered.
- See(def. 53).
- to forget or make an error in a speaking part or stage directions.
- See(def. 20).
- See(def. 17).
- See (def. 21).
- The candles blew out at once.
- to become extinguished:The candles blew out at once.
- to lose force or cease:The storm has blown itself out.
- (of an oil or gas well) to lose oil or gas uncontrollably.
- blow down and clean (a blast furnace) in order to shut down.
- The storm blew over in five minutes.
- to pass away; subside:The storm blew over in five minutes.
- to be forgotten:The scandal will eventually blow over.
- A storm suddenly blew up.
- to come into being:A storm suddenly blew up.
- to explode:The ship blew up.
- to cause to explode:to blow up a bridge.
- to exaggerate; enlarge:He blew up his own role in his account of the project.
- lose one's temper:When he heard she had quit school, he blew up.
- to fill with air; inflate:to blow up a tire.
- make an enlarged reproduction of.
- Math.(of a function) to become infinite.
- a blast of air or wind: to clean machinery with a blow.
- a violent windstorm, gale, hurricane, or the like: one of the worst blows we ever had around here.
- an act of producing a blast of air, as in playing a wind instrument: a few discordant blows by the bugler.
- a blast of air forced through a converter, as in the production of steel or copper.
- the stage of the production process during which this blast is used.
- boil (def. 15).
- cocaine.
Pronunciation: (blō), [key]
— n., v., blew, blown, blow•ing.
- a yield or display of blossoms: the lilac's lavender blows.
- a display of anything bright or brilliant: a rich, full blow of color.
- state of blossoming; a flowering: a border of tulips in full blow.
—v.i., v.t.
- to blossom or cause to blossom.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.