Pronunciation: (blāz), [key]
— n., v., blazed, blaz•ing.
- a bright flame or fire: the welcome blaze of the hearth.
- a bright, hot gleam or glow: the blaze of day.
- a sparkling brightness: a blaze of jewels.
- a sudden, intense outburst, as of fire, passion, or fury: to unleash a blaze of pent-up emotions; a blaze of glory.
- hell: Go to blazes!
- to burn brightly (sometimes fol. by away, up, forth): The bonfire blazed away for hours. The dry wood blazed up at the touch of a match.
- to shine like flame (sometimes fol. by forth): Their faces blazed with enthusiasm.
- to burn with intense feeling or passion (sometimes fol. by up): He blazed up at the insult.
- to shoot steadily or continuously (usually fol. by away): The contestants blazed away at the clay pigeons.
- to be brilliantly conspicuous.
Pronunciation: (blāz), [key]
— n., v., blazed, blaz•ing.
- a spot or mark made on a tree, as by painting or notching or by chipping away a piece of the bark, to indicate a trail or boundary.
- a white area down the center of the face of a horse, cow, etc.
- to mark with blazes: to blaze a trail.
- to lead in forming or finding (a new method, course, etc.): His research in rocketry blazed the way for space travel.
Pronunciation: (blāz), [key]
— blazed, blaz•ing.
- to make known; proclaim; publish: Headlines blazed the shocking news.
- to blow, as from a trumpet.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.