Pronunciation: (bilj), [key]
— n., v., bilged, bilg•ing.
- either of the rounded areas that form the transition between the bottom and the sides on the exterior of a hull.
- Also,bilges.(in a hull with a double bottom) an enclosed area between frames at each side of the floors, where seepage collects.
- Also calledbilge well.a well into which seepage drains to be pumped away.
- Also calledbilge water.seepage accumulated in bilges.
- See(def. 2).
- the widest circumference or belly of a cask.
- to leak in the bilge.
- (of white paint) to turn yellow.
- to bulge or swell out.
- to damage (a hull bottom) so as to create an entry for seawater.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.