Pronunciation: (bāt), [key]
— v., bat•ed, bat•ing.
- to moderate or restrain: unable to bate our enthusiasm.
- to lessen or diminish; abate: setbacks that bated his hopes.
- to diminish or subside; abate.
- with breath drawn in or held because of anticipation or suspense: We watched with bated breath as the runners approached the finish line.
Pronunciation: (bāt), [key]
— v., n. bat•ed, bat•ing,
- (of a hawk) to flutter its wings and attempt to escape in a fit of anger or fear.
- a state of violent anger or fear.
Pronunciation: (bāt), [key]
— v., n. bat•ed, bat•ing,
—v.t., v.i.
- to soak (leather) after liming in an alkaline solution to soften it and remove the lime.
- the solution used.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.