Pronunciation: (bar'ul), [key]
— n., v., -reled, -rel•ing -relled, -rel•ling.
- a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging sides made of staves hooped together, and with flat, parallel ends.
- the quantity that such a vessel of some standard size can hold: for most liquids, 31 U.S. gallons (119 L); for petroleum, 42 U.S. gallons (159 L); for dry materials, 105 U.S. dry quarts (115 L). Abbr.: bbl
- any large quantity: a barrel of fun.
- any container, case, or part similar to a wooden barrel in form.
- the tube of a gun.
- the chamber of a pump in which the piston works.
- a drum turning on a shaft, as in a weight-driven clock.
- the cylindrical case in a watch or clock within which the mainspring is coiled.
- a calamus or quill.
- the trunk of a quadruped, esp. of a horse, cow, etc.
- the main portion of a capstan, about which the rope winds, between the drumhead at the top and the pawl rim at the bottom.
- a rotating horizontal cylinder in which manufactured objects are coated or polished by tumbling in a suitable substance.
- any structure having the form of a barrel vault.
- Also calleda passageway in a carburetor that has the shape of a Venturi tube.
- in a helpless, weak, or awkward position; unable to act: They really had us over a barrel when they foreclosed the mortgage.
- to put or pack in a barrel or barrels.
- to finish (metal parts) by tumbling in a barrel.
- to force to go or proceed at high speed: He barreled his car through the dense traffic.
- to travel or drive very fast: to barrel along the highway.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.