November 2015 Current Events: Disasters & Science News

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Here are the key events in science and disasters news for the month of November 2015.
Russian Airliner Brought Down by Bomb (Nov. 17): Russia's FSB security service announces that Airbus A321-200, the Russian passenger plane that crashed last month in Egypt, was taken down by a homemade explosive device. The security service tells Russian President Vladimir Putin that it is clear the bombing, which killed all 224 people on board, was an act of terrorism. Putin vows to find those responsible for the bombing. The Sinai Province of the Islamic State, an ISIS offshoot, has already claimed responsibility for the attack.
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about the
Russian plane crash in Egypt, Nov. 16, 2015
Source: Alexei Nikolsky/SPUTNIK, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP