September 2014 Current Events: Disasters & Science News

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Here are the key events in Science and Disasters news for the month of September 2014.
Hundreds of Wildfires Rage through California (Sept. 20): So far in 2014, 4,974 wildfires have burned 92,139 acres in California. That is 1,000 more wildfires than California usually has per year by Sept. 20. The most alarming factor is that the fires have come ahead of fall, the peak fire season when, in the past, the Santa Ana winds have fueled many wildfires. During an update, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Unit Chief Mike Kaslin says, "These times are unprecedented here in California in respect to fire behavior."
First U.S. Ebola Case Confirmed (Sept. 30): Officials from the Centers for Disease Control announce that a man who recently arrived in Texas from Liberia has the first case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the United States. The announcement is made two days after the unidentified patient is admitted to a hospital in Dallas. Officials decline to name the patient who is listed in serious condition. So far, more than 6,500 cases have been confirmed and more than 3,000 have died from Ebola in Africa this year.