July 2012 Current Events: Disasters & Science News
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Here are the key events in Science and Disasters news for the month of July 2012.
Physicists Find Elusive Key to Universe Particle (July 4): Ending what has become the most expensive and longest search in science, physicists discover a new subatomic particle. The particle appears to be the Higgs boson, the elusive last key to understanding why we have life and diversity in the universe. The Higgs boson is the missing part of the Standard Model, equations that have stood as law of the cosmos for thirty-five years. The announcement comes from physicists at CERN, the world's largest particle physics laboratory, located outside Geneva, Switzerland.
More Than One Hundred Die in Russia Due to Floods (July 7): A major rainstorm creates massive flooding and kills at least 104 people. One of the worst weather-related disasters to hit Russia in years, the storm unleashes 11 inches of rain on Russia's Black Sea coast. State television reports that it is one of the country's worst weather-related disasters in years.