September 2010 Current Events: Disasters & Science News
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

World News | Business News | U.S. News
Here are the key events in Science and Disasters news for the month of September 2010.
- H.I.V. Precursor Existed in Monkeys for 32,000 Years (Sept. 16): The virus in monkeys that predated H.I.V. in humans has been affecting monkeys for over 32,000 thousand years, scientific researchers discover. Scientists previously believed that the monkey virus S.I.V (simian immunodeficiency virus) had only been in existence for a few hundred years. Scientists are still uncertain as to how the virus was initially contracted by humans.
- Landslide in Mexico Traps Hundreds (Sept. 28): A landslide in the Oaxaca region of Mexico following a long period of heavy rain buries hundreds of homes. At least 11 people are missing.
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