July 1998 News and Events
Updated July 10, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

1998 News Month-By-Month
- Clinton Ends Nine-Day Trip to China (July 1): In Shanghai, President speaks to nation in broadcast interview. He praises economic liberalization; says U.S. does not wish to dictate China's development. (July 3): President ends visit in Hong Kong. Tells banquet U.S. will do its best to boost Asia's economy. In news conference, he praises leaders, calling President Jiang Zemin a force for democracy.
- Japan Announces Economic Program (July 3): Reveals plan to clear away huge debt in move to bolster global confidence in world's second-largest economy.
- Palestinians Get Broader U.N. Role (July 7): Despite U.S. opposition, General Assembly votes to give them first step toward full U.N. membership.
- Kosovo Rebels Blunt Serbian Drive (July 10): Ethnic Albanian separatists shift balance of power in province with stocks of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons. Serbian army and police forces fall back. (July 26): Yugoslav troops and police storm rebel positions held by ethnic Albanians; refugees endangered.
- Japanese Voters Oust Ruling Party (July 12): Decisive election sets stage for resignation of Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and creates uncertainties about country's political and economic future. (July 24): Foreign Minister Keizo Obuchi elected president of governing party, in line to become Prime Minister despite hostility to him.
- Protestants Parade Peacefully in Ulster (July 13): Thousands of Orange Order march in several hundred parades across Northern Ireland. Marches follow week of Protestant violence over issue of patriotic parades in Roman Catholic neighborhoods and deaths of three young Catholic brothers in arson attack.
- I.M.F. Backs Emergency Aid for Russia (July 20): Board approves $17 billion rescue plan. Fund trims back first payment because of Russia's reform delays.
- Yeltsin Signs Austerity Measures (July 31): Approves measures adopted by Parliament to bolster failing economy. Russia's foreign debt negotiator persuades international bankers to have faith in efforts by Russia to shore up its weak economy.
- Court Orders Secret Service Testimony (July 7): In setback to Administration, U.S. appeals bench rules officials must testify before grand jury on knowledge of any Clinton-Monica Lewinsky relationship.
- Congress Votes to Overhaul I.R.S. (July 9): Senate, 96–2, approves measure to make tax agency more helpful to citizens, with new rights and protections. Bill already approved by House, 402–8.
- Clinton's Guards Testify in Inquiry (July 17): For first time in history, members of Secret Service become witnesses in a criminal case involving a U.S. President.
- House Votes for Funding for Arts Agency (July 21): In sharp reversal it approves, 253–173, $98 million for National Endowment for the Arts, long a target of conservatives.
- President Aids Drought-Stricken Area (July 23): Releases $100 million in emergency Federal funds for 11 states in South. After 2 months of high temperatures, scores are dead and many crops are killed.
- House Overrides Abortion Bill Veto (July 23): Upholds measure to outlaw late-term procedure.
- Gunman Kills Two in Capitol Building (July 24): Slays police officers and wounds tourist after storming way past metal detector. Killer identified as Russell Weston Jr., 41, with Secret Service record and history of mental disturbance. (July 25): Capitol open for business. Doctors try to save suspect's life.
- Clinton Subpoenaed in Inquiry (July 25): Independent counsel summons President to testify before U.S. grand jury investigating reported relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky. (July 29): Clinton agrees to testify by video.
- CNN Retracts Nerve Gas Report (July 2): Cable News Network apologizes for broadcast stating that U.S. military used lethal sarin in Laos in 1970 with intention of killing American defectors.
- AIDS Conference Ends Somberly (July 4): 12th World Conference, at Geneva, hears of new problems with anti-AIDS drugs and setbacks in vaccine trials.
- Merger of Teachers' Unions Rejected (July 5): Convention of National Education Association votes overwhelmingly against joining with American Federation of Teachers. Political differences cited.
- Suspect Convicted in Cosby Death (July 7): Los Angeles jury finds Mikail Markhasev guilty of murdering Ennis W. Cosby, son of entertainer Bill Cosby.
- Accord Reached in Implant Damage Suits (July 8): Dow Corning Corporation agrees on $3.2 billion settlement for tens of thousands of women claiming injury from manufacturer's silicone breast implants.
- New Anti-Cancer Drug Found Promising (July 16): Tests on angiostatin reported to show it enhances effects of radiation in treating human tumors.
- Thalidomide Approved to Fight Leprosy (July 16): F.D.A. action foreshadows possibility of wide use of sedative drug banned in 1960 after causing deformities in thousands of babies.
- Last Czar Buried in Russia (July 17): Remains of Nicholas II, most of family, and four servants interred in St. Petersburg cathedral. President Yeltsin in speech calls for reconciliation of all of nation.
- Pacific Tidal Wave Kills Hundreds (July 17, et seq.): Ocean earthquake sends 23-foot wall of water over wide area of Papua New Guinea's northwest coast, killing at least 2,000. Most victims reported to be children. Villages leveled.
- G.M. and Union Agree on Ending Strike (July 28): Company and union settle dispute that shut down two auto parts plants in Flint, Mich. and assembly factories across North America.