Glossary of Islam
Updated September 9, 2022 |
Infoplease Staff

Important figures, branches, and traditions
by David Johnson

- Aga Khan Spiritual leader of the Ismailis
- Alawite An Islamic sect
- Ali One of the Prophet's first followers
- Black Muslims American religious movement
- Caliph Leader of the Islamic state
- Calligraphy Writing developed to beautify the earliest Qur'ans
- Fakir Believes poverty brings one closer to God
- Fatima Prophet's daughter
- Fatwa Religious edict which can not be revoked, but only supplanted by newer edicts

- Hadith Traditions of Muhammad
- Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca
- Hegira Muhammad's departure from Mecca
- Husein Son of Ali
- Imam Religious leader
- Islam One of the world's three monotheistic religions
- Islam in Africa Becomes a major faith on the continent
- Islamic Art Art and architecture based on Islamic principles
- Islamic Calendar Calendar used by Muslims
- Islamic Holidays Dates of religious holidays
- Ismaili Shiite sect

- Jihad Religious struggle—either a spiritual struggle to better oneself, or a physical struggle undertaken to fight injustice or defend Islam.
- Jerusalem Islam's third holiest city
- Mecca Islam's holiest city
- Medina Islam's second holiest city
- Mosque Islamic house of worship
- Mufti Islamic lawyer
- Muhammad The name of the Prophet
- Mullah Religious authority
- Muslim One who embraces Islam

- Non-Christians in U.S. Chart of non-Christian religions
- Qur'an Islam's holy book
- Ramadan Month of fasting
- Sharia Islamic law
- Shiite Second largest branch of Islam
- Sufi Islamic mystical movement
- Sunni Largest branch of Islam
- Wahhabi Islamic sect
- World Religion Statistics Chart of world religions
More from the Islam Primer
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