Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters
Updated June 26, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

The Colour of Love
- Verve
When the 1990's chapter of The History of Blues Guitar is one day written, you can bet Ronnie Earl gets a lion's share of ink. That's because Earl is, without doubt, the most innovative white blues guitarist since the dawn of Stevie Ray Vaughan, meticulously crafting notes as if each one was a singular work of art. Guitar genius aside, Earl intentionally breaks down categories and preconceived notions on his recordings. Yes, he is a blues guitarist, but one who is entirely comfortable in jazz territory as The Colour of Love illustrates. Beautifully expressive guitar tapestries such as “Hipology,” “Deep Pockets,” and “'Yeah” (dedicated to Albert Collins) make The Colour of Love a notable achievement in blues — and jazz.
— Robert Santelli