Blood, Guts, Bullets, and Octane
Updated June 26, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Writer/Director: | Joe Carnahan |
Lions Gate; R; 87 minutes | |
Release: | 4/99 |
Cast: | Joe Carnahan, Dan Leis, Ken Rudolph, Dan Harlan |
This movie is fast food. It has been made cheaply, employs fast-talk to sell itself (indeed, it is composed primarily of fast-talk), and isn't all that good for you. . . but, depending on your appetite, it may taste great going down. Director Joe Carnahan and producer Dan Leis star as slick car salesmen mired in a criminal scheme. The slimy duo stands to make a quarter million if they simply let a 1963 Pontiac sit in their lot for two days. Ever-thoughtful Sid (Carnahan) hatches a ransom plan to make them even more illicit dough—now you see where the goofy title kicks in. Low-budget, hard-talking Americana that's learned from the likes of Richard Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino.