Ancient Greek Literature & Mythology
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Poets, Playwrights, Gods, and Heroes
Read all about the fascinating world of ancient Greek mythology, drama, history, and religion with glossaries, lists, quizzes, crosswords, and more. You'll read about heroes from Achilles to Zeus, and discover classic legends and plays.
THE TROJAN WAR »"Sing, goddess, of the anger of Achilleus, son of Peleus, the accursed anger which brought uncounted anguish on the Achaians" —Homer *
The Greeks (Achaeans)The Trojans*The Iliad, 1.1–2; Martin Hammond, tr. |
Ancient Greek Mythology and Religion
- The Olympian Gods and Goddesses (especially for kids)
- Heroes in Greek Myth (especially for kids)
- The Nine Muses (especially for kids)
- Monsters in Greek Myth (especially for kids)
- List of Characters in Greek Myth
- The Titans | The Furies | The Fates
- Ancient Greek Religion
- Heroes in Greek Religion
- More Heroes and Legends
- Quiz: The Iliad and the Trojan War
- Quiz: Ancient Greek Games
- Quiz: Harry Potter and Greek Myth (especially for kids)
Ancient Greek Language & Literature
- Ancient Greek
- Greek Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
- Linear scripts (A and B)
- Ancient Greek literature
- Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Ancient Greek Drama
The plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides told tragic tales of Greek heroes, while the comedies of Aristophanes were political and cultural satire.
- Greek drama
- Ancient tragedies
- Aeschylus | Sophocles | Euripides
- Aristophanes
- Evolution of comedy
- Terms: chorus | dithyramb
Ancient Greek Poetry
- Hesiod | Sappho | Pindar
- Homer | Iliad | Odyssey
- Homeric Hymns
- Terms: lyric | ode | epic | elegy | hexameter
- Glossary of poetry terms
Heroes and Legends
- Trojan War: see sidebar
- Hercules | The Twelve Labors
- Jason | Golden Fleece | Medea
- Odysseus | Penelope | Circe | Cyclops
- Perseus | Medusa | Andromeda
- Oedipus | Sphinx | Antigone | Seven against Thebes
- Orestes | Electra | Clytemnestra | Agamenmon | Iphigenia
- Dionysus | Ariadne | Pentheus | Bacchae / Maenads
- Theseus | Minos | Ariadne
- Daedulus and Icarus
- Loves of Zeus: Leda | Io | Europa |Semele | Alcmene | Danaë
- Orpheus | Hades
- The Amazons
- The Centaurs | Chiron
- Promotheus | Deucalion and the flood
- Pandora
- Bellerophon | Pegasus
See also: