Weekly Earnings of Union-Affiliated Workers, 1998–1999

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff
1999 1998
Race, Origin,
Total Members
of unions1
by unions2
Non-union Total Members
of unions1
by unions2
Total $549 $672 $667 $516 $523 $659 $653 $499
Men 618 711 708 599 598 699 696 573
Women 473 608 606 449 456 596 593 430
White 573 692 689 534 545 683 678 513
Men 638 731 730 615 615 719 716 591
Women 483 619 618 461 468 610 607 443
Black 445 575 575 415 426 578 572 398
Men 488 588 589 459 468 597 592 424
Women 409 548 545 388 400 537 533 376
Hispanic origin 385 561 559 363 370 540 541 350
Men 406 604 597 384 390 585 584 367
Women 348 490 490 329 337 478 481 322
NOTE: Median weekly earnings of those 16 years and older.
1. Data refer to members of a labor union or an employee association similar to a union.
2. Data refer to members of a labor union or an employee association similar to a union as well as workers who report no union affiliation but whose jobs are covered by a union or an employee association contract.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web: www.bls.gov/news.release/union2.t02.htm .

Selected Characteristics of Union Workers Labor Unions Weekly Earnings of Union-Affiliated Workers, 2006–2007
Labor Union Statistics
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